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Ligo Mainnet Reward Guide

LIGO Network $AIGO - GAS Token Economic Model

  1. $AIGO Total Supply: 2.1 Billion
    Token Distribution:
    • 45% - RWA-POW Incentive Pool
    • 40% - Pass Card POS Staking Governance Pool
    • 10% - Ecosystem Grant Support [Community Governance via Voting]
    • 5% - Developer/Team Allocation [Locked for 1 year, linear release over 48 months]
  2. PASS Card Global Launch Plan
    Releasing Phases and Pricing:
    • Whitelist: Limited to 2,000 (X $BTC)
    • Pre A: Limited to 2,000 (X + 0.02 $BTC)
    • Pre B: Limited to 3,000 (X + 0.04 $BTC)
    • Pre C: Limited to 3,000 (X + 0.07 $BTC)
    PASS Card Key Features:
    • A: SBT (Soulbound Token) – Receive airdrops from Grant ecosystem projects
    • B: Node identity verification
    • C: Access to POS Governance Staking Pool
  3. PASS Card Mining [30% of Total Supply]
    • Maximum Block Reward: 660,000 tokens/day
    • Halving Mechanism: 30% reduction every 6 months
    • Initial Verification Reward: 150 tokens/day
    • Upon reaching the block reward cap, transition to POS governance mode

  4. Invitation Mining
    • Maximum Pool Size: 330,000 tokens/day
    • Distribution Rules: Based on POS power
    • Direct Invitations: 10% of mining rewards + 10,000 power points
    • Invite 3 Users: Additional 80% of the invited users' total power.

  5. Node Airdrops (Distributed Pre-Listing)
    • Airdrop Distribution: Based on participation time in network maintenance
    • Participation Rules: The first 3,000 Pass IDs are eligible for airdrops; the earlier the participation, the greater the airdrop
  6. On-Chain Governance and Token Incentives (Activated Post-Listing)

    Encourage user interaction on the mainnet and reward contributions with additional POS incentives. Encourage user interaction on the mainnet and reward contributions with additional POS incentives.

    Releasing Phases and Pricing:
    • Holding Incentives: Use an optimal token distribution algorithm
    • Non-linear POS Rewards: The closer the user’s holdings are to the ideal network distribution, the higher the rewards; otherwise, rewards decrease
    • Staking Incentives: Earn additional rewards by participating in ecosystem staking
    • DAO Governance Voting: Lock $AIGO to participate in governance proposals on the mainnet and earn rewards through voting


LIGO Network’s $AIGO tokenomics model integrates RWA-POW mining with POS-based governance, advancing decentralization through token incentives and community-driven growth. The phased issuance of PASS Cards supports network expansion and actively engages users, validators, and developers. It ensures sustainable real-value returns from the ecosystem’s long-term development while protecting investor ROI, as re-staking $AIGO is only possible through NFT Pass Cards or purchases from CEX post-listing. The governance framework encourages token holding and ecosystem staking, promoting lasting engagement and sustainable growth.

LIGO Network $AIGO - GAS 通证经济模型

  1. $AIGO 最大开采量:21亿
    • 45% - RWA-POW 激励矿池
    • 40% - Pass Card 算力 POS 治理矿池
    • 10% - 生态 Grant 支持 [社区投票治理]
    • 5% - 开发者/团队 [锁仓一年,48个月线性释放]
  2. PASS Card 全球首发计划
    • 白名单:限量 2000 (X $BTC)
    • Pre A: 限量 2,000 (X + 0.02 $BTC)
    • Pre B: 限量 3,000 (X + 0.04 $BTC)
    • Pre C: 限量 3,000 (X + 0.07 $BTC)
    PASS Card 功能:
    • A: SBT 灵魂绑定通证——享受 Grant 生态项目的空投
    • B: 验证节点身份
    • C: POS 治理矿池
  3. PASS Card 挖矿 [30%]
    • 最大区块奖励: 660,000 枚/天
    • 减产机制: 每 6 个月减产 30%
    • 初始验证奖励: 150 枚/天
    • 达到区块奖励上限后,进入 POS 治理模式

  4. 邀请挖矿
    • 最大矿池: 330,000 枚/天
    • 分配规则: 算力 POS
    • 直接邀请: 10% 挖矿奖励 + 10,000 算力奖励
    • 邀请 3 人: 可额外获取被邀请人总算力的 80%

  5. 验证节点空投(上所前发放)
    • 空投分配: 根据参与网络维护时长
    • 参与规则: 前 3000 个 Pass ID 可获得空投,越早参与,空投越多
  6. 链上持币治理(上所后启动)

    激励用户主网交互并做出贡献以获取更多 POS 激励。


    • 持币激励: 采用最佳持币离散率算法
    • 非等权 POS 奖励: 越接近全链最佳持币状态,收益越多;反之收益减少
    • 质押激励: 参与生态质押,获取更多奖励
    • 投票 DAO 治理: 锁定 $AIGO 参与主网提案投票,获取激励


LIGO Network 的 $AIGO 经济模型融合了 RWA-POW 挖矿和基于 POS 的治理,通过代币激励和社区驱动的增长推进去中心化。分阶段发行的 PASS Card 支持网络扩展,并积极吸引用户、验证者和开发者的参与。该模型确保生态系统长期发展带来的可持续真实价值回报,同时保护投资者的 ROI,因为 $AIGO 的再质押只能通过 NFT Pass Card 或上市后从 CEX 购买实现。治理框架鼓励持币和生态质押,推动长期参与并支持可持续增长。